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Navigating Carbon Markets and Sustainability
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, the role of carbon markets is expanding, despite recent challenges. The shift from sustainability as a side focus to an integral part of corporate strategy is accelerating, with regulations poised to standardize ESG practices.
Sep 12, 2024
Venetia Bell
Venetia Bell, Group Chief Sustainability Officer, GIB (UK)
The views and opinions expressed in this content are those of the thought leader as an individual and are not attributed to CeFPro or any other organization
  • Voluntary carbon markets are essential for meeting climate goals, but recent scandals have highlighted the need for credible and fully operational systems.

  • Corporate engagement with sustainability has significantly increased in the past five years, with businesses transitioning from basic understanding to actionable projects.

  • Sustainability and ESG are becoming core components of corporate strategy, and in the future, they will be integrated into every role within an organization.

  • The evolution from voluntary initiatives to mandatory regulations, such as ISSB standards and carbon markets, is shaping the future of sustainability efforts worldwide.

Venetia Bell Bio

Venetia Bell is the Group Chief Sustainability Officer at Gulf International Bank (GIB), and Head of Strategy at GIB Asset Management. Amongst other responsibilities, Venetia leads GIB’s drive to embed sustainability and responsible banking principles in everything it does. Venetia is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. She is a Chartered Governance Professional, a designated Climate Competent Director, a Certified Investment Fund Director, and the Chair of Trustees of several charities. Prior to GIB, she had several roles at the Bank of England, and has published a range of policy-focused research.

Venetia Bell