CeFPro Connect

Fintech Advances and Financial Services – what does the post-covid road hold?
The advances in the implementation of financial technology (fintech) within financial services took a significant change in direction during the last year and a half. Areas that were deemed the greatest opportunities, from the perspective of advances and financial investment, suddenly became less of a priority;
Katherine May
Katherine May, Sr Manager Operational Risk, BMO
Siva Kumar Venkatesh
Siva Kumar Venkatesh, MLRO, Al Jazeera Exchange
Fintech Advances and Financial Services – what does the post-covid road hold?


·       What should institutions be looking for when monitoring for internal and external concentration?

·       Institutions should fully understand their end to end supplier network, for key/material processes and services, (both internally and externally) to identify bottlenecks and single points of failure. 

·       If they find one provider is critical to a particular service.

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